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Increase Mail-Order Pharmacy Enrollment

Executive Summary

Enroll members in Geisinger’s new mail-order pharmacy service.

116,804 GHP members educated about mail order by Geisinger clinicians  
47% Year-over-year increase in mail-order pharmacy enrollment 
23% Conversion rate among GHP members who took our interactive quiz
Case Study: The Problem

The Challenge

The Geisinger Health Plan (GHP), ranked the best health plan in Pennsylvania, serves 540,000 members across the state through a provider network of nearly 30,000 doctors and 100 hospitals. 

In an effort to decrease their prescription drug costs, GHP wanted to engage more members to enroll in its mail-order pharmacy service, which allows members to save money through free home delivery of their maintenance medications. As their agency partner, we helped them build a sustainable and highly effective member-outreach program. 

Case Studies - The Solution

The Solution

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Map the patient journey during a clinic visit: Through data analysis, we charted a GHP member’s typical experience in a Geisinger clinic and identified where and when they would be most willing to learn about mail-order pharmacy. 

Geisinger Health Plan Mail-Order Pharmacy member journey
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Research mail-order motivations and barriers among GHP members: We found that while Geisinger’s mail-order pharmacy service already met the key needs of GHP members — lower costs, high convenience and timely availability of prescriptions — barriers also existed, including the desire to have face-to-face communication with a pharmacist and staff; and a significantly lower enrollment rate among commercial plan members versus Medicare beneficiaries.

Geisinger Health Plan Mail-Order Pharmacy posters
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Implement data-driven, multi-platform consumer messaging: Using a combination of emails, interactive quizzes and direct mail, we launched a campaign called “That Feeling When.” This campaign educated members about the top benefits of free home delivery, including substantial copay savings, fewer trips to the pharmacy, safe social distancing and automatic refills.

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Target high-priority, underserved populations: Because GHP members who receive medication home delivery are 37% less likely to miss doses, we developed targeted communication strategies to educate members who exhibited medication noncompliance. 

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Educate providers through a “Clinic Ambassador” campaign: Onboarded prescribers, pharmacists, nurses and clinic staff on how to educate and enroll GHP members in Geisinger’s mail-order pharmacy service. Channels included virtual town halls, “train the trainer” digital kits, online resource center, targeted email campaigns and articles on the employee intranet.


Geisinger Mail-Order Pharmacy training kits
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Integrate into the EMR through an Epic Best Practice Alert: We implemented an electronic medical record (EMR) prompt that reminds providers and other clinicians to educate and enroll qualified members during the clinic visits.

Case Study - The Results

The Results

116,804 GHP members educated about mail order by Geisinger clinicians
47% Year-over-year increase in mail-order pharmacy enrollment 
23% Conversion rate among GHP members who took our interactive quiz